
We present direct numerical simulations of inhomogeneous reduced magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) turbulence between the Sun and the Alfven critical point. These are the first such simulations that take into account the solar-wind outflow velocity and the radial inhomogeneity of the background solar wind without approximating the nonlinear terms in the governing equations. RMHD turbulence is driven by outward-propagating Alfven waves (z + fluctuations) launched from the Sun, which undergo partial non-WKB reflection to produce sunward-propagating Alfven waves (z – fluctuations). We present 10 simulations with different values of the correlation time and perpendicular correlation length L ⊥☉ of outward-propagating Alfven waves at the coronal base. We find that between 15% and 33% of the z + energy launched into the corona dissipates between the coronal base and Alfven critical point. Between 33% and 40% of this input energy goes into work on the solar-wind outflow, and between 22% and 36% escapes as z + fluctuations through the simulation boundary at r = r A. The z ± power spectra scale like , where k ⊥ is the wavenumber in the plane perpendicular to B 0. In our simulation with the smallest value of (~2 minutes) and largest value of L ⊥☉ (2 × 104 km), we find that α+ decreases approximately linearly with increasing ln (r), reaching a value of 1.3 at r = 11.1 R ☉. Our simulations with larger values of exhibit alignment between the contours of constant +, –, , and , where ± are the Elsasser potentials and are the outer-scale parallel Elsasser vorticities.

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