
(Molecular Cell 9, 133–143; January, 2002) We, the editors of Molecular Cell, published an Editorial Expression of Concern (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2016.03.026) earlier this year regarding issues raised about Figures 5C and 5D of the above article. Dr. Yao-Yun Liang, who performed the experiments in question, claimed to have manipulated his experiments to achieve pre-determined results. The corresponding author, Dr. Xin-Hua Feng, refuted the claims. In the intervening time, two independent labs have attempted to reproduce Dr. Liang’s experiments. Those two labs have now completed their experiments. Despite good faith efforts from both labs, their experiments were inconclusive. We are now closing our investigation because there is insufficient information to warrant further action and because we feel we have taken the matter as far as we can. While we had hoped for a more definitive resolution, we expect that, as with all science, the field will press forward with future papers, adding knowledge that may provide support for (or evidence against) the specific findings in question. This note is to notify the community of the issues and of the conclusion of the process. Direct Interaction of c-Myc with Smad2 and Smad3 to Inhibit TGF-β-Mediated Induction of the CDK Inhibitor p15Ink4BFeng et al.Molecular CellJanuary, 2002In BriefThe c-Myc oncogene has been implicated in the genesis of diverse human tumors. Ectopic expression of the c-Myc gene in cultured epithelial cells causes resistance to the antiproliferative effects of TGF-β. However, little is known about the precise mechanisms of c-Myc-mediated TGF-β resistance. In this study, we reveal that c-Myc physically interacts with Smad2 and Smad3, two specific signal transducers involved in TGF-β signaling. Through its direct interaction with Smads, c-Myc binds to the Sp1-Smad complex on the promoter of the p15Ink4B gene, thereby inhibiting the TGF-β-induced transcriptional activity of Sp1 and Smad/Sp1-dependent transcription of the p15Ink4B gene. Full-Text PDF Open ArchiveDirect Interaction of c-Myc with Smad2 and Smad3 to Inhibit TGF-β-Mediated Induction of the CDK Inhibitor p15Ink4BFeng et al.Molecular CellApril 07, 2016In Brief(Molecular Cell 9, 133–143; January 2002) Full-Text PDF Open Archive

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