
A major issue that prevents a full understanding of heterogeneous materials is the lack of systematic first-principles methods to consistently predict energetics and electronic properties of reconstructed interfaces. In this work we address this problem with an efficient and accurate computational scheme. We extend the minima-hopping method implementing constraints crafted for two-dimensional atomic relaxation and enabling variations of the atomic density close to the interface. A combination of density-functional and accurate density-functional tight-binding calculations supply energy and forces to structure prediction. We demonstrate the power of this method by applying it to extract structure-property relations for a large and varied family of symmetric and asymmetric tilt boundaries in polycrystalline silicon. We find a rich polymorphism in the interface reconstructions, with recurring bonding patterns that we classify in increasing energetic order. Finally, a clear relation between bonding patterns and electrically active grain boundary states is unveiled and discussed.


  • A major issue that prevents a full understanding of heterogeneous materials is the lack of systematic first-principles methods to consistently predict energetics and electronic properties of reconstructed interfaces

  • Several types of grain boundaries (GBs) were known to be present in polycrystalline silicon[31,32,60,61]

  • Twist boundaries and tilt boundaries are subgroups of GBs with special orientations of the axis n: for twist GBs [hkl] and n are parallel, while tilt GBs have the n axis in the surface plane

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A major issue that prevents a full understanding of heterogeneous materials is the lack of systematic first-principles methods to consistently predict energetics and electronic properties of reconstructed interfaces. GBs are present even in the purest samples and can affect dramatically structural, electronic, transport, and optical properties of semiconducting crystals used in microelectronic devices or solar cells[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. In the latter devices, in particular, the effect of GBs is generally considered to be detrimental to charge transport, as deep defect states at internal interfaces can act as recombination centers for excited electrons and holes. Direct experimental observations of interfacial geometries by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy are extremely difficult[17], but, when they are successful, they generally show that

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