
The article considers the issues with regard to the direct effect of the Constitution. The topic is presented by analyzing the techniques for proper implementation of the Constitution and ensuring the constitutionality of the law enforcement/judicial practice. Author differentiates the content of the concepts „direct effect” and “direct implementation” of the Constitution, presenting the essence of each of the notions. Techniques for proper implementation of constitutional norms are suggested by the author, analyzing also the implementation priority rules. According to the author implementing legislative provisions in conformity with their constitutionallegal content is another precondition for ensuring the proper application of the Constitution. The law enforcement/judicial practice can become a subject of consideration by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia if itis not an issue of legitimacy of the mentioned practice, but an issue of constitutionality of the latter, an issue of evaluation of the circumstance whether the legal acts are implemented in conformity with their constitutional-legal content in the frames of the mentioned practice is raised.


  • SUMMARYThe article considers the issues with regard to the direct effect of the Constitution

  • Issues of direct effect of the Constitution are among the most interesting and most discussed topics in modern constitutional law

  • The above leads to a conclusion that constitutional rights should be implemented, taking into account the discussed circumstances, and the theories of their direct effect and implementation can be based on conceptual approaches formed in the result of noting these conditions

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The article considers the issues with regard to the direct effect of the Constitution. The topic is presented by analyzing the techniques for proper implementation of the Constitution and ensuring the constitutionality of the law enforcement/judicial practice. According to the author implementing legislative provisions in conformity with their constitutionallegal content is another precondition for ensuring the proper application of the Constitution. Subiectul este prezentat prin analiza tehnicilor pentru implementarea corectă a Constituţiei și asigurarea constituţionalităţii aplicării legii/practicii judiciare. Punerea în aplicare a dispoziţiilor legislative în conformitate cu conţinutul lor constituţional-legal este o altă condiţie prealabilă pentru asigurarea aplicării corecte a Constituţiei. Aplicarea legii/practicii judiciare poate deveni un subiect de examinare de către Curtea Constituţională a Republicii Armenia – dacă nu o chestiune de legitimitate a practicii menţionate, atunci o chestiune de constituţionalitate a acesteia din urmă, o chestiune de evaluare a circumstanţelor dacă actele juridice sunt aplicate în conformitate cu conţinutul lor constituţional-juridic. Cuvinte-cheie: Constituţie, interpretare oficială, efect direct al Constituţiei, implementare directă a Constituţiei, prioritate de implementare, constituţionalitatea aplicării legii/practicii judiciare, jurisprudenţă

Direct Effect of the Constitution in the Modern Constitutional Thought
Direct Implementation of the Constitution
Techniques for Proper Implementation of Constitutional Norms
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