
The sensitivity of the benthic amphipod species Ampelisca brevicornis and Corophium volutator to dredged sediments was compared through simultaneous testing on the standard 10 days sediment toxicity test. The results of mortality obtained for 22 harbor sediments sampled at several Spanish ports were studied together with the physico-chemical characteristics of the samples to obtain the incidence of toxicity in terms of dredged material categories and to identify possible differences in the amphipod mortality results when using one or another test species. The results showed a similar incidence of toxicity for medium-high and highly contaminated sediments for both amphipod species, similar to that obtained through the comparison of the chemical concentrations measured in sediments with the single limit values used in Spain for dredged material characterization and management. On the contrary, C. volutator presented a higher mortality and a higher incidence of toxicity when exposed to low and medium-low contaminated sediments, which may have been caused by the lower sensitivity of A. brevicornis when exposed to sediments from its natural environment. When compared to other amphipod species used for whole sediment toxicity assessment, both amphipod species used in this study reported slightly higher sensitivities although these differences could have been associated to the different set of chemical compounds considered when characterizing the sediment samples. In this sense, the amphipod mortality results were better predicted through the use of mean quotients than just by comparing the measured chemical concentrations with the single limit values used in Spain, which indicates that the toxic response of both species was caused by the cocktail of contaminants present in the sediments. Finally, the correlation analysis identified a higher association between A. brevicornis mortality and the metallic contaminants while C. volutator was more correlated with the organic micro-pollutants. Despite these differences, the results indicate that Ampelisca brevicornis can be used as test organism for dredged material characterization when enough individuals of other recommended species such as Corophium volutator are not available.

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