
Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) has been used for direct determination of 6-thioguanine, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil in human urine, by use of a fused-silica capillary (60.2 cm×75 μm i.d.). Separation was performed after hydrodynamic injection for 7 s; the separation potential and capillary temperature were 25 kV and 35°C, respectively. A 45mm borate buffer solution (pH 9.2) was used as separation electrolyte. Under these conditions the analysis takes approximately 10 min and interday precision of migration times and corrected peak areas is satisfactory. A linear response over the concentration range 3.0–20.0 mg L1 was observed for the three chemotherapeutic drugs in diluted human urine. Detection limits (s/n=3) for 6-thioguanine and methotrexate were approximately 1.60 mg L1 in diluted human urine; that for fluorouracil was 2.60 mg L1. A 2-ml volume of human urine was diluted with 2-mL of water and introduced directly into the electrophoresis system. CZE was shown to be a good method with regard to simplicity, satisfactory precision, and sensitivity. This method resulted in especially excellent recoveries for determination of methotrexate in all the different urine samples analysed (n=10).

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