
A combined strategy of preparative high-performance thin-layer chromatography overlay assay and mass spectrometry was established for the structural characterization of immunostained glycosphingolipids (GSLs) in silica gel extracts. Crude chloroform/methanol/water (30/60/8, v/v/v) extracts of immunostained TLC bands were analyzed by nanoelectrospray low-energy CID mass spectrometry without further purification. The GSL species investigated were isomeric monosialogangliosides of the neolacto series from a ganglioside preparation of human granulocytes, the disialoganglioside GD3 from a human melanoma lipid extract, and ganglio series Gg3Cer of a neutral GSL preparation from murine lymphoreticular MDAY-D2 cells. For the specific detection of lipid-bound oligosaccharides, polyclonal chicken IgY, murine monoclonal IgG3, and IgM antibodies were used. The resulting mass spectra show that only analytical quantities of approximately 1 microg of a single GSL within a complex mixture are required for the structure determination of immunostained GSLs by MS and MS/MS. All species investigated were detected as singly charged deprotonated molecular ions, and neither buffer-derived salt adducts nor coextracted contaminants from the immunostaining procedure or the silica gel layer were observed. This effective HPTLC-MS-joined procedure offers a wide range of applications for any carbohydrate binding agents such as bacterial toxins, plant lectins, and others.

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