
One hundred years after its creator's birth, the Dirac equation stands as the cornerstone of XXth Century physics. But it is much more, as it carries the seeds of supersymmetry. Dirac also invented the light-cone, or "front form" dynamics, which plays a crucial role in string theory and in elucidating the finiteness of N=4 Yang-Mills theory. The light-cone structure of eleven-dimensional supergravity (N=8 supergravity in four dimensions) suggests a group-theoretical interpretation of its divergences. We speculate they could be compensated by an infinite number of triplets of massless higher spin fields, each obeying a Dirac-like equation associated with the coset F4/SO(9). The divergences are proportional to the trace over a non-compact structure containing the compact form of F4. Its nature is still unknown, but it could show the way to M-theory.

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