
Dirac cones are difficult to achieve in a square lattice with full symmetry. Here, we have theoretically investigated a bipartite tetragonal lattice composed of tetragons and octagons using both Tight-Binding (TB) model and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The TB model predicts that the system exhibits nodal line semi-metallic properties when the on-site energies of all atoms are identical. When the on-site energies differ, the formation of an elliptical Dirac cone is predicted. Its physical properties (anisotropy, tilting, merging, and emerging) can be regulated by the hopping energies. An exact analytical formula is derived to determine the position of the Dirac point by the TB parameters, and a criterion for the existence of Dirac cones is obtained. The "divide-and-coupling" method is applied to understand the origin of the Dirac cone, which involves dividing the bands into several groups and examining the couplings among inter-groups and intra-groups. Various practical systems computed by DFT methods, e.g., t-BN, t-Si, 4,12,2-graphyne, and t-SiC, are also examined, and they all possess nodal lines or Dirac cones as predicted by the TB model. The results provide theoretical foundation for designing novel Dirac materials with tetragonal symmetry.

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