
AbstractThe energy dispersion of the unoccupied Dirac bands of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 has been studied up to large parallel momenta and intermediate state energies using a setup for laser‐based time‐resolved momentum microscopy with 6 eV probe‐photons. A strongly momentum‐dependent evolution of the topologically protected Dirac states into a conduction band resonance is observed, highlighting the anisotropy dictated by the symmetry of the surface. The results are in remarkable agreement with the theoretical surface spectrum obtained from a GW‐corrected tight‐binding model, suggesting the validity of the approach in the prediction of the quasiparticle excitation spectrum of large systems with non‐trivial topology. After photoexcitation with 0.97 eV photons, assigned to a bulk valence band‐conduction band transition, the out‐of‐equilibrium population of the surface state evolves on a multi‐picosecond time scale, in agreement with a simple thermodynamical model with a fixed number of particles, suggesting a significant decoupling between bulk and surface states.

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