
1. 1. We measured oxygen consumption of the diploid frog Hyla chrysoscelis and its recently evolved tetraploid cryptic species Hyla versicolor at rest and during forced locomotory exercise. 2. 2. We also measured whole-body lactic acid concentrations of individuals of the two species at rest and following 4 min of exercise. 3. 3. Contrary to predictions based on tissue-culture experiments, rates of organismal metabolism are not different in this diplopid/tetraploid species pair: the diploid and tetraploid species did not differ in rates of oxygen consumption at rest or during exercise. 4. 4. Furthermore, whole-body lactate concentrations of frogs at rest and following forced locomotion were the same in the diploid and tetraploid species. 5. 5. For these species, polyploidy does not appear to be associated with lower maintenance costs at the level of the organism. However, polyploidy also does not appear to have metabolic consequences that would limit the behavioral or ecological repertoire of an anuran.

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