
Diploic veins (DV) run within the cranial diploe, where they leave channels that can be studied in osteological samples. This study investigates overall DV variability in human adults and the effects of sex, age, cranial dimensions, and dysmorphogenesis associated with craniosynostosis (CS). The morphology of macroscopic diploic channels was analyzed in a set of the qualitative and quantitative variables in computed tomography-images of crania of anatomically normal and craniosynostotic adult individuals. Macroscopic diploic channels occur most frequently in the frontal and parietal bones, often with a bilaterally symmetrical pattern. DV-features (especially DV-pattern) are characterized by high individual diversity. On average, there are 5.4 ± 3.5 large macroscopic channels (with diameters >1 mm) per individual, with a mean diameter of 1.7 ± 0.4 mm. Age and sex have minor effects on DV, and cranial proportions significantly influence DV only in CS skulls. CS is associated with changes in the DV numbers, distributions, and diameters. Craniosynostotic skulls, especially brachycephalic skulls, generally present smaller DV diameters, and dolichocephalic skulls display increased number of frontal DV. CS, associated with altered cranial dimensions, suture imbalance, increased intracranial pressure, and with changes of the endocranial craniovascular system, significantly also affects the macroscopic morphology of DV in adults, in terms of both structural (topological redistribution) and functional factors. The research on craniovascular morphology and CS may be of interest in biological anthropology, paleopathology, medicine (e.g., surgical planning), but also in zoology and paleontology.

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