
AbstractThis account represents a thorough update of Mammalian Species 227 on the subject species by A. M. Greenhall, U. Schmidt, and G. Joermann, incorporating 124 relevant references published since 1984. Diphylla ecaudata Spix, 1823, a medium-sized bat and the smallest of three species in the Desmodontinae, is commonly called the hairy-legged vampire bat. This hematophagous bat is distributed from eastern Mexico through Central America and into South America, with a single report in south Texas, United States. Diphylla ecaudata is restricted to habitats in tropical and subtropical regions and it occurs from sea level to 1,900 m in these areas. It primarily roosts in caves. Diphylla ecaudata is listed as a species of “Least Concern” (LC) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

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