
New organometallic tin(IV) complexes of the empirical formula Sn(NNS)Ph 2Cl (NNS = anionic forms of the 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde Schiff bases of S-methyl- and S-benzyldithiocarbazate) have been prepared and characterized by IR, electronic, 1H NMR and ES mass spectroscopic techniques. The molecular structures of the 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde Schiff base of S-methyldithiocarbazate (Hqaldsme) and its diphenyltin(IV) complex, Sn(qaldsme)Ph 2Cl, have been determined by X-ray diffraction. In the solid state, the ligand remains as the thione tautomer in which the dithiocarbazate chain adopts an E, E configuration and is almost coplanar with the quinoline ring. The Sn(qaldsme)Ph 2Cl complex crystallizes in two distinctly different conformationally isomeric forms, each having the same space group but different lattice parameters. X-ray analysis shows that in each polymorph, the tin atom adopts a distorted octahedral geometry with the Schiff base coordinated to it as a uninegatively charged tridentate chelating agent via the quinoline nitrogen atom, the azomethine nitrogen atom and the thiolate sulfur atom. The two phenyl groups occupy axial positions and the chloride ligand occupies the sixth coordination position of the tin atom. The deprotonated ligand adopts an E, E, Z configuration in the complex.

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