
To characterize the eel contamination by dioxin-like (dl) and non dioxin-like (ndl) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), sixty-two eels from the Loire estuary (France) were analyzed. PCB contamination significantly increased from glass eel stage (3.71±1.85 and 15.2±4.2ngg−1 dw) to other life stages (for yellow eels: 62.8±34.4 and 382±182ngg−1 dw; for silver eels: 93.7±56.3 and 463±245ngg−1 dw respectively for dl and ndl−PCBs). An inter-site variability based on PCB levels and profiles was observed among the three studied sites. For glass eels, the profile was mainly characterized by less chlorinated PCBs contrary to the other eels, displaying a different bioaccumulation pathway. Overall, the contamination level in the eels from this estuary was shown to be low for PCDD/Fs and intermediate for dl and ndl-PCBs, compared to other international/national areas. However, more than 60% of the studied silver eels displayed higher values for PCDD/F and dl-PCB WHO2005 TEQ than the EU permissible level of 10pgg−1 ww. This statement suggests a potential exposure to PCBs through eel consumption, especially with silver eels, and also points out apparent contamination that could eventually affect the reproductive success of the species.

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