
The aim of this study was to determine the contamination of broiler chicken with polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) after feeding either uncontaminated feed or feed contaminated with 1, 2 or 4 ng/kg toxic equivalents (TEQ). The feed was mixed with pure substances of PCDD/Fs to get the intended contamination. Ten groups of seven 1-day-old chickens each were housed in special cages for broiler fattening. The fattening period lasted for 6 weeks. The contaminated feed was given for either 2, 4, or 6 weeks, one group received uncontaminated feed (control group). After slaughtering the edible parts of the chickens breast and leg including the skin were homogenized. Body weight gain and feed conversion (kg feed/kg body weight gain) were in the normal range (final weight 1.98+/-0.07 kg; feed conversion 1.74+/-0.03). One kilogram edible tissue contained an average of 21.2+/-4.1% of the total TEQ-intake in all groups. The PCDD/Fs residues in the edible tissues significantly correlated with the amount of PCDD/Fs-intake (r=0.99; Pearson correlation). There was no decrease in dioxin residues (% of total PCDD/Fs intake) after a 2 or 4 weeks withdrawal period. The results of this trial predict that a threshold value of 2 pg/g chicken fat can be met if the PCDD/Fs content in chicken feed is not higher than 0.4 ng/kg.

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