
The purpose of this paper is to show an unexpected connection between Diophantine approximation and the behavior of waves on black hole interiors with negative cosmological constant $\Lambda<0$ and explore the consequences of this for the Strong Cosmic Censorship conjecture in general relativity. We study linear scalar perturbations $\psi$ of Kerr-AdS solving $\Box_g\psi-\frac{2}{3}\Lambda \psi=0$ with reflecting boundary conditions at infinity. Understanding the behavior of $\psi$ at the Cauchy horizon corresponds to a linear analog of the problem of Strong Cosmic Censorship. Our main result shows that if the dimensionless black hole parameters mass $\mathfrak m = M \sqrt{-\Lambda}$ and angular momentum $\mathfrak a = a \sqrt{-\Lambda}$ satisfy a certain non-Diophantine condition, then perturbations $\psi$ arising from generic smooth initial data blow up at the Cauchy horizon. The proof crucially relies on a novel resonance phenomenon between stable trapping on the black hole exterior and the poles of the interior scattering operator that gives rise to a small divisors problem. Our result is in stark contrast to the result on Reissner-Nordstrom-AdS (arXiv:1812.06142) as well as to previous work on the analogous problem for $\Lambda \geq 0$. As a result of the non-Diophantine condition, the set of parameters $\mathfrak m, \mathfrak a$ for which we show blow-up forms a Baire-generic but Lebesgue-exceptional subset of all parameters below the Hawking-Reall bound. On the other hand, we conjecture that for a set of parameters $\mathfrak m, \mathfrak a $ which is Baire-exceptional but Lebesgue-generic, all linear scalar perturbations remain bounded at the Cauchy horizon. This suggests that the validity of the $C^0$-formulation of Strong Cosmic Censorship for $\Lambda <0$ may change in a spectacular way according to the notion of genericity imposed.

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