
ABSTRACT In this paper we demonstrate simple wavelength tuning mechanism of pulsed diode pumped Nd:GdVO 4 laser in the grazing incidence geometry. The active material which is thin slab with wedged ends, acts as dispersive element and enables to tune wavelength of the generated radiation either to the commonly used 1063 nm line with Œ polarization, the 1066 nm line with 1 polarization or simultaneous dual wavelength operation, just by tilting the resonator mirror. The detailed characteristics of the laser are presented. Keywords: Lasers, diode pumped, wavelength tuning 1. INTRODUCTION Neodymium-doped gadolinium orthovanadate (Nd:GdVO 4 ) has proved to be an excellent gain medium because of its larger absorption and emission cross section compared to Nd:YAG and much higher thermal conductivity compared to Nd:YVO 4 [1]. Diode pumped Nd:GdVO 4 lasers operated at 0.912, 1.06, 1.34 µm have already been developed and also second harmonic generation to blue (456 nm), green (532 nm) and red (670 nm) spectral regions have been demonstrated. At 1 µm spectral region the output wavelengths of the studied Nd:GdVO

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