
Electron plasma confined in a purely toroidal magnetic field supports analogs of the electrostatic normal modes observed in cylindrical traps - namely diocotron and Trivelpiece-Gould waves. The Lawrence Non-neutral Torus II (LNT II) device is used to study such waves. Electron plasma with densities in the range of 107 cm−3 persisting for about 1 second are produced in LNT II with high vacuum conditions (<10−9 Torr), a toroidal magnetic field magnitude up to 550 G. The plasma is diagnosed by monitoring image charge flow to sectors of the symmetric conducting boundary (major radius of 18 cm and minor radius of 3.8 cm). Damping of the m=1 (k=0) diocotron mode is explored to assess the extent to which rotational and/or magnetic pumping transport mechanisms are operative in toroidal electron plasma. Resonant standing wave plasma modes (m=0) are excited in order to determine the Trivelpiece-Gould dispersion relation. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation Grant PHY-0812893.

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