
The oldest skeletons of dinosaurs date from the Late Triassic (Carnian), but supposed dinosaur footprints have been reported from Lower and Mid Triassic rocks, dated up to 20 m.y. earlier. Supposed Lower Triassic dinosaur footprints from Britain are reinterpreted as ripple marks, mud rip-up clasts, and possible limulid prints. The Middle Triassic material is reinterpreted as partial specimens of Chirotherium, presumably produced by rauisuchians, and one indeterminate specimen, possibly also of chirotheroid affinities. The oldest dinosaur footprints from Britain come from the marginal Triassic (Norian, Upper Triassic) in South Wales. Elsewhere in the world, the oldest dinosaur footprints appear to be Carnian, corresponding in age to the oldest skeletal remains.

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