
The size of chicken market is approximately 500 million won in 2018. Also, the competition level of chicken market is high. Given the market condition, it is imperative to understand the consumer characteristics. Moreover, loyalty is regarded as a representative consumer decision making. Therefore, this research is to investigate the determinants of chicken store loyalty. This study used DINESERV as theoretical underpinning. From DINESERV, five attributes were derived, which include employee service, price fairness, convenience, atmosphere, and food quality. The main instrument of this study is survey. To test the linear relations, this study performed multiple linear regression analysis. The results documented that price fairness, convenience, and food quality are significant attributes to account for the chicken store loyalty. However, employee service and atmosphere appeared as non-significant attributes to account for the loyalty. This study theoretically contributes to the literature by expanding the accountability of DINESERV into the chicken store domain.

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