
As we all are noticing that cancer now a day become a major disease worldwide. Ancient Surgical Science Shalyatantra contains both preventive & curative aspect of Arbuda & Asadhya Vrana. To prevent cancer & its recurrence follow Dincharya, Rutucharya, Rasayan, Sodhana therapies which are mentioned in our classical text. Though vitiated Tridosha are responsible for the development of Arbuda, but mainly Kapha Dosha & Meda Dhatu involved. Rutu Anusar Sodhana (Panchkarma) useful for removing Strotavarodha & Doshas. Snehana and Basti have major importance in Post chemotherapeutic Ojavardhana. Triphala, Guduchi, and Punarnava such drugs have shown very impressive effects on protecting body from the side effects of chemo and radio therapies. Ayurvedic Dincharya includes Dantadhavan, Gandusha, Kavala, Nasya, Dhumpana, Tambulasevana, Vyayam, Udvartana, Anjana, Abhyanga, Contraindication of Vegadharana, Devapoojana, Achara Rasayan etc. helpful for prevention of cancer as well as many diseases. Drugs which are Katu, Tikta, Kashaya Rasa & Ushna Virya can be used for reduce pathogenesis due to Kapha & Meda. Drugs like Amalaki, Guduchi, Gokshura use as Rasayana Chikitsa can help to boost attempts to remove immune suppression in tumors. This all can be use in prevention & management of cancer. The review shows that as mentioned in Ayurveda dietary and lifestyle are played an important role in the prevention and minimize the risk of cancer and boost our ability to fight cancer.

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