
Research on land cover change in the karst region is currently an important study as an indicator of evaluating global environmental changes. Karst area is a unique natural phenomenon on the surface of the earth because it has an important role in water conservation, CO2 absorption, and maintenance of biodiversity but is very vulnerable to damage due to human activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze changes in karst land cover in Gunem District, Rembang Regency, Central Java using satellite image data and GIS (Geographical Information System). The research method used is to compare three data on the distribution of land cover in 1997, 2008 and 2017 obtained from the interpretation of satellite image data. The results of the study are that land cover based on the results of the interpretation of satellite imagery is classified into four classes, namely fields / gardens, fields, built up land and water bodies. In the last 20 years the cover class of upland / garden land continues to experience a downward trend, while the built-up land cover class continues to increase. Changes in land cover in the karst area of Gunem Subdistrict during the period of 1997-2017 were influenced by factors of human activity which included population growth, housing needs, and supporting facilities. This result is expected to be a consideration in carrying out sustainable development planning and placing karst as a protected area.


  • a unique natural phenomenon on the surface of the earth because it has an important role in water conservation

  • that land cover based on the results of the interpretation

  • of satellite imagery is classified into four classes

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Dinamika Tutupan Lahan di Kawasan Karst Kecamatan Gunem Kabupaten Rembang

Penelitian mengenai perubahan tutupan lahan di kawasan karst saat ini menjadi kajian yang penting sebagai indikator penilaian perubahan lingkungan global. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perubahan tutupan lahan kawasan karst di Kecamatan Gunem Kabupaten Rembang Jawa Tengah dengan menggunakan data citra satelit dan GIS (Geographyc Information System). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan membandingkan tiga data sebaran tutupan lahan pada tahun 1997, 2008 dan 2017 yang diperoleh dari hasil interpretasi data citra satelit. Hasil dari penelitian adalah penutupan lahan berdasarkan hasil interpretasi citra satelit diklasifikasikan menjadi empat kelas yaitu tegalan/kebun, sawah, lahan terbangun dan tubuh air. Dalam kurun waktu 20 tahun terakhir kelas tutupan lahan tegalan/kebun terus mengalami penurunan, sedangkan kelas tutupan lahan terbangun, sawah dan tubuh air mengalami peningkatan. Perubahan tutupan lahan pada kawasan karst Kecamatan Gunem selama periode tahun 1997-2017 dipengaruhi oleh faktor aktivitas manusia yang meliputi pertambahan penduduk, kebutuhan permukiman, kegiatan pertambangan dan fasilitas pendukung. Hasil ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam melakukan perencanaan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan dan menempatkan karst sebagai kawasan lindung

Tubuh Air
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