
Individu dapat mencapai resilien jika ia mampu menghadapi, mengatasi, belajar, dan dapat berubah dari keadaan sulit yang dialami. Penelitian ini menjelaskan proses pencapaian resiliensi wanita single-parent dengan anak speech delay. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dan teknik snowballs. Pengambilan data melalui wawancara semi terstruktur dan observasi dari tiga informan. Analisis data menggunakan teknik Coding, Categories, Themes. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan perasaan menjadi single-parent dan merawat anak speech delay, Hal-hal yang dilakukan untuk mencapai resiliensi, dan tanggapan keluarga dan masyarakat mengenai single-parent dan anak speech delay. Dengan demikian, individu memiliki banyak cara untuk bertahan dalam keadaan sulit sehingga dapat meminimalkan hambatan yang mungkin terjadi dan dibantu dengan dukungan internal maupun eksternal. KEY WORDS: single parent; speech delay; resilience ABSTRACT Individuals can achieve resilience if they are able to face, overcome, learn, and can change from the difficult circumstances experienced. This research explains the process of achieving resilience of single-parent women with speech delay children. This research uses a phenomenological approach and snowballs technique. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and observations from three informants. Data analysis using Coding, Categories, Themes techniques. The results of this research found feelings of being a single-parent and caring for speech delay children, things done to achieve resilience, and family and neighborn responses regarding single parents and speech delay children. Thus, individuals have many ways to survive in difficult circumstances so as to minimize the obstacles that may occur and are assisted by internal and external support. KEY WORDS: single parent; speech delay; resilience Copyright ©2023. The Authors. Published by Psikoislamika: Jurnal Psikologi dan Psikologi Islam. This is an open access article under the CC BY NO SA. Link: Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International — CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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