
This study aims to determine the condition of ethnic Chinese Muslims in organizing Islamic religious education in the city of Padangsidimpuan. The Muslim Chinese community participated in moving Islamic religious education in the city of Padangsidimpuan The research method uses qualitative. Instrument for collecting data on observation, interview and documentation. The research findings show that the implementation of Islamic religious education developed in several centers of religious learning activities. The dynamics of the implementation of ethnic Muslim Islamic religious education in the city of Padangsidimpuan carried out in a variety of containers and facilities. The organization of religious education is based on groups and individuals.It was concluded that the Muslim Chinese ethnic studied religious learning material on aqeedah, sharia and morals. Learning methods build communication between educators and students. Educators and students come from various scientific backgrounds, Islamic and Indonesian.


  • The purpose of this research is to know the condition of Tionghoa Muslim in conducting Islamic Religion Education in Padangsidimpuan town

  • Sistem pendidikan Islam erat kaitannya dengan sejarah Islam di nusantara. (Asfiati, 2014) The Chinese Muslim community in Indonesia has a long history, which is closely related to the history of Islam in Nusantara (Mahfud, 2018)

  • Orangtua merupakan pendidik pertama dan utama (Suryadi et al, 2018)

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Hasil dan Pembahasan

Kondisi Etnis Tionghoa muslim di Kota Padangidimpuan Berdasarkan data statistik kota Padangsidimpuan tahun 2016-2019 bahwa jumlah penduduk Tionghoa 2000 jiwa. Terdiri dari laki-laki 160 perempuan 40 (Muallim, wawancara, 28 Juli 2017). Etnis Tionghoa muslim menyebar di setiap kelurahan di kota Padangsidimpuan

Tingkat Pendidikan
Pelatihan Ibadah
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