
Oz: Bu calismada, Allah ve Tanri kavramlari arasinda ideolojik bir zeminde on yillardir suregelen tartismayi iki asamada incelemeyi hedefledik. Birinci bolum kismen teorik zemini olustururken, ikinci bolum ise tartismanin pratik boyutunu sergilemektedir. Bu maksatla, uzerinde yuzyillarin mutabakatini tasiyan bir metin olarak Suleyman Celebi’nin Mevlid’ini merkeze aldik. Birinci bolumde, Celebi’nin kisa hayat hikâyesinin ardindan, Tanri kavraminin Turkce dini literaturdeki seyri verilmistir. Bunu takiben felsefi boyutuyla anlam-kavram iliskisi irdelenmeye calisilmistir. Bu felsefi anlamlandirmanin, daha Islami bir kavram gibi gorunen Allah terimi uzerinden izdusumu ve onun Mevlid’deki yansimalari ortaya konulmustur. Anlamlandirma faaliyetinin canli ve toplumsal bir olgu oldugu gerceginden hareketle, modern Turkiye’de dine bakisin hangi kaygilar cercevesinde gelistigi ikinci bolumun konusudur. Dini reform tartismalari cercevesinde yapilan Turkce ezan ve ibadet denemeleri, Allah ve Tanri kavramlarini iki ayri dunyanin karsit askerleri konumuna indirgemistir. Suleyman Celebi’nin zihninde olmayan bu bolunmenin, modernistpostmodernist kuresel kulturun asamali-catismali bir bicimde yayginlasmasi ile kisir bir din anlayisini da beraberinde getirdigi sonucuna varilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Din Dili, Allah, Tanri, Suleyman Celebi, Mevlid, Ezan. The Adventure of the Concept of God in the Mawlid of Suleiman Chalabi within the Framework of Religious Language Abstract: In this study, we aimed at examining the argument between the concepts of God and Allah, fought on ideological grounds for decades, in two parts. The first part establishes the theoretical ground, while the second focuses on the practical aspects of the discussion. In this respect, we centred on Suleiman Chalabi’s Mawlid as a text that has achieved a consensus for centuries. In the first part, having given a short biography of Chalabi, the adventure of the concept of God in Turkish religious literature has been put forward. Then, the relation between meaning and concept has been examined from a philosophical standpoint. The traces of this conceptualization have been followed both in the development of the seemingly specifically Islamic concept of Allah and in Mawlid. Bearing in mind that interpretation is a live social event, the second part deals with the motives that shaped the treatment of religion in the modern Turkey. The trials of Turkish adhan and worship in the mother tongue, acted out within the discussions of religious reform, have reduced the concepts of Allah and God as two opposite soldiers of two different worlds. It has been concluded that this division, which did not exist in the mind of Chalabi, has created a castrated religious understanding coupled with the expansion of the postmodern global culture. Keywords: Religious Language, Allah, God, Suleiman Chalabi, Mawlid, Adhan.

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