
We study the stability region for the columnar dimer state proposed as a candidate ground state for the square-lattice quantum antiferromagnet with first- and second-neighbor antiferromagnetic couplings (${\mathit{J}}_{1}$-${\mathit{J}}_{2}$ model). We use a boson representation of the spin operators suited to the perturbative expansion around a dimer ground state. At lowest order, the columnar dimer is found to be stable only at the classical critical value ${\mathit{J}}_{2}$/${\mathit{J}}_{2}$=1/2. However, we show that the leading anharmonic corrections stabilize the dimerized phase in a region of a finite width around ${\mathit{J}}_{2}$/${\mathit{J}}_{1}$=1/2. A comparison of the ground-state energies shows that among the possible dimerized states the columnar dimer is the most favorable candidate to separate the two ordered states in the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic with first- and second-neighbor exchange.

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