
Organizational culture is a consequence of the limitations of rational methods in interpreting organizational reality. The subject of this paper is to analyze different dimensions of organizational culture, with special emphasis on multinational companies. After a detailed overview of the available literature, the dimensions of the organizational culture were tested on a sample of 200 manufacturing companies that are part of the supply chain of a large multinational company. According to the results of the conducted empirical research, the dominant dimensions of organizational culture are risk management, developed communication in the organization, setting measurable objectives and tasks, possessing a developed formalized system of procedures and their use, applying reward system, solving conflicts in the organization, investing in knowledge and competence of employees and their regular improvement and development.


  • Organizational culture is a consequence of the limitations of rational methods

  • the dimensions of the organizational culture were tested on a sample of 200 manufacturing companies that are part

  • According to the results of the conducted empirical research, the dominant dimensions of organizational culture are risk management, developed communication in the organization, setting measurable objectives and tasks, possessing a developed formalized system of procedures and their use, applying reward system, solving conflicts in the organization, investing in knowledge and competence of employees and their regular improvement and development

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Dimenzije organizacione kulture u multinacionalnim preduzećima

SPASOJEVIĆ BRKIĆ, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Originalni naučni rad Mašinski fakultet, Beograd. BRKIĆ, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Inovacioni centar Mašinskog fakulteta, Beograd. JOSIPOVIĆ, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Organizaciona kultura je organizaciona paradigma nastala kao posledica ograničenosti racionalnih metoda u tumačenju organizacione stvarnosti. Prema rezultatima sprovedenog empirijskog istraživanja dominantne dimenzije organizacione kulture multinacionalnih preduzeća su: upravljanje rizikom, razvijena komunikacija u organizaciji, postavljanje merljivih ciljeva i zadataka, posedovanje razvijenog formalizovanog sistema procedura i njihova upotreba, primena sistema nagrađivanja, rešavanja konflikata u organizaciji, ulaganje u znanje i kompetentnost zaposlenih i njihovo redovno unapređivanje i razvitak. Skup formalnih i neformalnih verovanja i ponašanja koji postoje u organizaciji i koje je organizacija prihvatila kao svoj način obavljanja procesa. U tabeli 1 dat je pregled najznačajnijih emprijskih istraživanja u oblasti organizacione kulture. Pregled najznačajnijih empirijskih istraživanja u oblasti organizacione kulture. Elliott Jaques (1951) Douglas McGregor (1960) Michael Maccoby (1977) Andrew Pettigrew (1979) Geert Hofstede (1980)

Rezultati istraživanja i doprinos
Primarna orijentacija organizacije
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