
Happiness is related to both positive and negative forces. Positive factors, or happiers, that compensate for stressors in residency have only recently been recognized in a pilot study of 14 family practice residents. These happiers are positivism, the pursuit of goals, relationships, a religious belief system, and feedback. The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe happiers of residency in family practice in each postgraduate year and relate the findings to established theories on well-being. A qualitative interview with participant observation was used to study 59 residents at four family practice residency sites. Interviews were semistructured and audiotaped. Tapes and field notes were analyzed for trends. The Faces Scale was administered as a happiness visual analog scale. The importance of a well-balanced lifestyle, as well as the pursuit of goals, relationships, and accentuation of the positive, were found to be happiers for all residents interviewed. Religious commitment, feedback, and a sense of control or autonomy were important to the level of happiness of more than 60 percent of residents interviewed. Feedback was more important to 1st-year residents, and a sense of control was more important to 2nd-year and 3rd-year residents. The seven happiers described in this study were similar to happiness factors reported in the social science literature. Our findings could contribute to theories of resident well-being and further the research on well-being in residency training.

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