
Motivated by one-dimensional color-electric flux-tube formation in four-dimensional (4D) QCD, we investigate a possibility of effective dimensional reduction in the 4D Yang-Mills (YM) theory. We propose a new gauge fixing of “dimensional reduction (DR) gauge” defined so as to minimize RDR≡∫d4sTr[Ax2(s)+Ay2(s)], which has a residual gauge symmetry for the gauge function Ω(t,z) like 2D QCD on the t−z plane. We investigate effective dimensional reduction in the DR gauge using SU(3) quenched lattice QCD at β=6.0. The amplitude of Ax(s) and Ay(s) are found to be strongly suppressed in the DR gauge. We consider “tz-projection” of Ax,y(s)→0 for the gauge configuration generated in the DR gauge, in a similar sense to Abelian projection in the maximally Abelian gauge. By the tz-projection in the DR gauge, the interquark potential is not changed, and At(s) and Az(s) play a dominant role in quark confinement. In the DR gauge, we calculate a spatial correlation ⟨TrA⊥(s)A⊥(s+ra⊥)⟩(⊥=x,y) and estimate the spatial mass of A⊥(s)(⊥=x,y) as M≃1.7 GeV. It is conjectured that this large mass makes A⊥(s) inactive and realizes the dominance of At(s) and Az(s) in infrared region in the DR gauge. We also calculate the spatial correlation of two temporal link-variables and find that the correlation decreases as exp(−mr) with m≃0.6 GeV. Using a crude approximation, the 4D YM theory is reduced into an ensemble of 2D YM systems with the coupling of g2D=gm. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

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