
The objective of this study was to understand and highlight the educational potentialities, related to the dialogue between scientific and non-scientific knowledge, of an extension project that promotes the dialogue between scientific and non-scientific knowledge, of an outreach project that promotes artistic-pedagogical artistic-pedagogical actions through the dialogue between generations, having visual art, collective memory and the ecology of knowledge perspective as mediators. memory and the perspective of the ecology of knowledge as mediators. This work is based is based on the foundations of Boaventura Santos (2007, 2010), in relation to his perspective on the "Ecology of knowledge" and the "Ecology of knowledge", and Paulo Freire's (1996, 2011a, 2011b). The relationship between poetic narratives and collective memory was based on the studies of. Halbwachs (2004) and Walter Benjamin (1984, 1994, 1995). This research was organized on the basis of an exploratory qualitative exploratory study, adopting the case study as a research technique. research technique. The locus of the research was defined as the rural space, and young high school students and a family were investigated. high school students and a family of family farmers were investigated. The results of this The results of this research indicate that the participating students, when involved in dialogues with peasant subjects, mobilized different different knowledge linked to the construction of collective and dialogic processes that allow for the collective and dialogic processes that allow relating different forms of school or non-school knowledge. It was also found that the discourses and practices of the students manifested reflections on the ecology of knowledge perspective with the intention of applying it in artistic-pedagogical actions that occurred during the execution of the extension project investigated.

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