
Investigations of the temperature dependences of the dimension Li, optical path difference Dij = Li(nj — 1), and refractive indices nj have been carried out for DMAGaS crystal, (CH3)2NH2Ga(SO4)2 · 6H2O, in the range of 115–293 K for three principal directions of the optical indicatrix (i, j = p, m, g). The minima of the temperature dependences of anisotropy degree indices of the linear thermal expansion Aα and refractive indices An—1 at temperature Tc reflect a small disordering of the crystal in the phase transition region. The coefficients of spontaneous linear electrostriction QL have been found to be almost constant in the temperature range below Tc ≈ 136 K. The molecular refraction R, as a parameter of electron polarization due to high frequency light excitation, remains unchanged in the frame of 0.2% in the temperature range of 115–293 K.

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