
This study, which was prepared within the scope of DigiComp, “Increasing Digital Competencies for Digital Immigrants: Combating Digital Divide and Digital Social Inequality,” funded within the scope of Erasmus+ Program School Education Strategic Partnerships action carried out by the Turkish National Agency, is a comparative research initiative on digital competencies for digital immigrants. In the study, which presents a qualitative research character, the document analysis method was used. The universe of the research consists of the research reports produced by the researchers of partner organizations from Turkey, Germany, and Spain during the research phase of the project. The entire detected universe has been reached. A descriptive analysis approach was used in the analysis of the obtained data. The analysis process was carried out within the framework of the themes shaped in the context of the research questions. Although each report has similarities, since it is sensitive to a common methodological framework, it contains unique approaches brought by different countries, expertise, and literature accumulation. It can be stated that the research has the potential to produce academic knowledge that can form the basis of practical policies focusing on the digital competencies of digital immigrants.

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