
The problem of capturing human experience is relevant in many application domains. In fact, the process of describing and sharing individual experience lies at the heart of human culture. This advancement came at a price of losing some of the multidimensional aspects of primary, bodily experience during its projection into the symbolic formThroughout the courses of our lives we learn a great deal of information about the world from other people's experience. Besides the ability to share utilitarian experience such as whether a particular plant is poisonous, humans have developed a sophisticated competency of social signaling that enables us to express and decode emotional experience. The natural way of sharing emotional experiences requires those who share to be co-present during this event. However, people have overcome the limitation of physical presence by creating a symbolic system of representations.Recent research in the field of affective computing has addressed the question of digitization and transmission of emotional experience through monitoring and interpretation of physiological signals. Although the outcomes of this research represent a great step forward in developing a technology that supports sharing of emotional experiences, they do not seem to help in preserving the original phenomenological experience during the aforementioned projection. This circumstance is explained by the fact that in affective computing the focus of investigation has been aimed at emotional experiences which can be consciously evaluated and described by individuals themselves. Therefore, generally speaking, applying an affective computing technique for capturing emotions of an individual is not a deeper or more precise way to project her experience into the symbolic form than asking this person to write down a description of her emotions on a piece of paper. One can say that so far the research in affective computing has aimed at delivering technology that could automate the projection but it has not considered the problem of improving the projection in order to preserve more of the multidimensional aspects of human experience.This dissertation examines whether human experience, which individuals are not able to consciously transpose into the symbolic representation, can still be captured using the techniques of affective computing.First, a theoretical framework for description of human experience which is not accessible for conscious awareness was formulated. This framework was based on the work of Carl Jung who introduced a model of a psyche that includes three levels: consciousness, the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Consciousness is the external layer of the psyche that consists of those thoughts and emotions which are available for one?s conscious recollection. The personal unconscious represents a repository for all of an individual?s feelings, memories, knowledge and thoughts that are not conscious at a given moment of time.The collective unconscious is a repository of universal modes and behaviors that are similar in all individuals. According to Jung, the collective unconscious is populated with archetypes. Archetypes are prototypical categories of objects, people and situations that existed across evolutionary time and in different cultures.

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