
Individual Home Address is considered as an important sub set of attributes, and never find personnel record, whether a person is student, patient, or employee, etc. without having a home address. It is required to be recorded, registered, and documented in all personnel information systems, whether the system is manual or computerized. This research concern on the Coding, and Digitization of home address of Iraqi personnel in order to enhancing storage efficiency and reduce processing time. The conventional method of maintaining paper-based records for personnel home addresses has proven to be costly, and timeconsuming, and in most cases inefficient. The proposed solution involves the conversion of physical addresses into digital formats, allowing for streamlined data storage and faster retrieval, and update processes. The work starting by indicate the current challenges related to the paper-based address systems, including the demands on physical storage space and the delays incurred during information retrieval. Subsequently, it explores the potential benefits of digitizing home addresses, such as reduced storage requirements, improved data accessibility, and enhanced overall organizational efficiency. To implement this digitization process, the research investigates various technological solutions, including geographic information systems (GIS), databases, and data management protocols. The study also addresses potential concerns related to data security and privacy, proposing measures to safeguard sensitive information. The proposed solution for Digitization, Coding, with Optimizing the Personnel Home Address provide at least 85% of Optimizing Factor for each individual personnel record required storage space and processing time, this solution subsequently leed to better daily decision-making process in most business organizations.

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