
Digital Technology has become a pervasive, even ubiquitous part of our daily lives, affecting almost every aspect of our lives. Although the uptake of digital technology in health care has lagged behind other sectors, today, digital health is already becoming a cornerstone of developed health systems all over the world. Hence, the question is not whether we should adopt digital technology in health care, but how to do it most effectively. Digitally enabled remote care, or telemedicine has been available for many years but large-scale adoption has been slow. COVID-19 has caused a quantum leap in this area and particularly in the area of chronic disease and cancer care. The objective of this article is to briefly review the literature on the use of digitally enabled remote health care, in general and in cancer care specifically, with a focus on nursing practice, and to define the questions that need to be asked to guide effective implementation. Review of the literature and the experience of the authors. There is increasing uptake of digitally enabled remote care. A growing body of evidence suggests that care delivered via telemedicine can be both safe and effective, in some cases with better outcomes than conventional face-to-face care. However, tele-oncology has not yet become standard practice. Digital health solutions need to be integrated into the patient pathway and in health care team practices for optimal supportive care in oncology in line with appropriate guidelines. Training education and formative evaluation are required to guide effective implementation. Formulating the right questions to ask is a critical starting point. There is very little debate today about the centrality of the role of the oncology nurse in coordinating care, guiding the patient, and providing ongoing support. Mobile technology provides an opportunity for monitoring and support through a minimally burdensome, maximally accessible approach. Moreover, smartphones and applications allow for repeated evaluation of adherence and symptoms in real time, ideally enhancing care for patients. However, even with the growing acceptance of "nursing telepractice", there are challenges and barriers to overcome to mainstream digital health into oncology nursing practice. Telemedicine services go much further than simply digitizing traditionally analogue health care processes and services, they fundamentally reorganize processes, procedures, and services. Thus, in addition to training and education, nursing tele-oncology demands a service transformation.

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