
Introduction: The 21st century comes with its own challenges so far as the teaching and learning of mathematics is concern. This is because most of the senior students have access to digital devices that allow them to navigate the social media channels like the WhatsApp, Twiter, instagram, SnapChat, Facebook, TikTok and the likes. Unfortunately these handles are loaded with various forms of videos and other stuffs that these innocent young ones turned to love to follow more than their studies, thereby affecting their academic achievements.
 Purpose: The motive of this study was to enhance students’ conceptual understanding in circle theorems using the flipped classroom approach.
 Methodology: A sample of Fifty (50) Remedial students from the Bekwai Municipal Assembly in the Ashanti Region of Ghana was selected by means of purposive sampling method for the study. With the use of quasi- experimental design, a pretest post test method was use to gather the data on the students to ascertain the impact of the interventional design. In addition to the tests, a questionnaire was also used to find out how students feel about the flipped classroom pedagogy in teaching and learning.
 Findings: The analysis of the questionnaire came out that students enjoyed the lessons and their performance appreciated as a result. A statistical significant improvement in the students’ performance made the researcher reject the null hypothesis and concluded that flipped classroom approach impacted positively on students’ performance.
 Recommendations: It was therefore recommended that the flipped classroom should be adopted as one of the pedagogical strategies in teaching mathematics at the Senior High school.

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