
Information and technical support of the personnel management system is gaining more and more distribution, informatization is carried out in virtually all modern companies without exception. As a rule, in most companies, they primarily automate the functions of personnel records management and administration. These areas are associated with the storage and processing of information about employees: personal files, work books, employment contracts, data on the movement of personnel, payroll. Information technologies can be used not only for processing large amounts of data, but also for their analysis.Recently, the use of artificial intelligence in recruiting has become widespread; such technologies significantly reduce the time spent on the selection of candidates. Artificial intelligence is used at the initial stage of recruiting calling candidates, which allows the HR manager not to miss a promising specialist from the stream of vacancies. At the same time, there is a trend towards automating more complex HR functions such as employee assessment, development and training. In this study, the sought-after directions for improving the information and technical support of the personnel management service were highlighted: artificial intelligence, continuous learning, big data. The hierarchy analysis method based on expert judgment determined the criteria that guided the group of experts when choosing the most promising direction with growth potential. According to the results of the analysis, the largest number of points was received by the direction continuous learning in the format of electronic distance learning 56.1 %. Further, a technological scheme for information and technical support of the personnel management service was developed. The process of introducing distance learning in the company is described, the main items of expenses, the departments responsible for the implementation of this system, the preparation of the necessary regulatory documentation, the choice of software, the costs of administration of the system are given.

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