
Digitalization and digitization are becoming increasingly more important in medicine. Processes are being optimized and data are being digitally recorded, analyzed and archived. Although there is still acomparatively large need to catch up in Germany, we are on asolid transformation path. The establishment of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) in Brussels represents amilestone for the secure exchange of data. Digitalization holds the potential for extensive process optimization. While alarge part of the working time of physicians in German is currently consumed by bureaucracy, arelevant part of this can be solved digitally. The digitalization does not replace the physician but plays a supporting role for the benefit of the patient. Numerous routes and the associated transport and logistics costs can be avoided or addressed digitally through digital supplementation and new forms of treatment administration. This conserves resources, saves time and optimizes the care of patients. The openness and affinity of physicians and patients towards the topic significantly depends on digital health literacy, i.e. the understanding and knowledge on the topic. The goal for the coming years is to continually reduce fears and increase acceptance. In addition, relevant investments are needed for the basic technical equipment on the software and hardware side.

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