
Ponte Academic JournalOct 2021, Volume 77, Issue 10 DIGITALISATION OF TEACHING AND LEARNING IN NIGERIA AMID COVID-19 PANDEMIC: CHALLENGES AND LESSONS FOR EDUCATION 4.0 AND 4IRAuthor(s): Dagogo William Legg-JackJ. Ponte - Oct 2021 - Volume 77 - Issue 10 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2021.10.10 Abstract:The study explored the digitalisation of the teaching and learning amid COVID-19 in Nigeria. The purpose was to find out the strategies put in place to ensure the continuity of teaching and learning during the pandemic and the challenges associated with this, and the lessons learnt in relation to Education 4.0 and 4IR. Therefore, to effectively undertake this, an exploratory approach was adopted, by reviewing related literatures around the topic. Findings revealed that educational institutions at all levels moved from face-to-face to virtual and remote learning. Also, the results highlighted among others, several challenges namely, inadequate funding, lack of access to ICT infrastructure, varied access to digital skills acquisition, lack of access to internet, unequal access to educational opportunities as well as lack or unsteady electric power supply. Therefore, with this barrage of challenges, the study makes the following conclusions namely, Thus, the study concludes that, these challenges, the effective digitalisation of the teaching and learning process in the Nigerian education institutions are impeded. Also, educational institutions in Nigeria lack the capacity to fully digitalise teaching and learning through the integration of diverse technologies as obtainable in Education 4.0. The study provides recommendations to remedy these challenges encountered. Download full text:Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution Username Password

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