
Development of an algorithm for digitalisation of crop rotation as a basis for ensuring sustainable development of crop production. The algorithm presented in the article aims to rethink the options for obtaining data for compiling crop rotation. The use of crop rotations, as an essential tool for a crop-growing enterprise, can directly stimulate an increase in fertility by at least 10-12% with the correct selection of crops and also become one of the sources of weakening the development of land degradation, which only in the share of agricultural lands in the Novosibirsk region occupies no less than 12%. In some regions, this figure is growing and, in some cases, exceeds 40%, resulting from natural and not insignificant anthropogenic factors. The integration of an automatic planning tool is one of the steps for the development of crop production. Large agro-industrial complexes have long been puzzled by the idea of optimizing production and are increasingly resorting to precision farming technologies, conducting seasonal monitoring in the fields and carefully controlling all economic activities, which in turn accumulates a large array of data, which is often almost not analyzed. The study of this data can actually adjust the planned crops for subsequent seasons and be a kind of recommendation to the farm for corrections or confirmation of the correctness of the decisions made. In turn, the accuracy of the algorithm directly depends on the input data and the amount of it provided by crop farms. One of the driving forces behind the development of the proposed algorithm is the gradual decline in the proportion of professional agronomists, which requires the creation of a tool to verify the data obtained by less experienced or novice agronomists.

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