
The process of digitalisation in Romanian companies started in 1995. At the beginning, the computers were expensive, thus few, and not powerful (one computer could store some 100 radio commercials at once). The newsrooms were hybrid, with both analogical and digital equipment, and some still are. Some jobs disappeared. The typists are now replaced by computer operators or desktop publishing designers, web-designer and on-line editor. Some new jobs and some new companies appeared. For example, every newsroom has IT specialist support now. The Internet advertising is done by specialized companies, the advertising brokers, and the editor is supported by the technology provider and the Internet service provider. Depending on the age of the interviewee, the researcher could identify a different relation with the computer. These different kinds of relations were also point out by the interviewees in a managing position. For example, there is a nostalgic perspective on handwriting, editing on paper or on hard copy and working with analogical devices. The nostalgic (from 40 years on) put in relation human creativity with the use of old equipments they were used to and they learned their job on. The younger generation has a different approach to the computer. They enjoy discovering functions of new software and doing new things with technology, but they get bored in the classroom. Some of them feel they don’t need extra training for using the new technologies, others admit that structured knowledge in this area is very much needed.

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