
<em><span>Digitizing MSMEs is one of the problems for MSMEs in Indonesia, including MSMEs in Tengklik Village, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar, Central Java. This activity was carried out by the UNS KKN 146 group to introduce the digitization of MSMEs for marketing and increasing online sales. This activity was conducted using the case study method in order to obtain appropriate and valid data. Collecting data in this study using interview and observation techniques. The population used in this study was all the people of Tengklik Village who participated in the training activities and this population was the sample for this study. The village community was very enthusiastic about taking part in the training and gaining new knowledge. The digitalization of MSMEs is able to increase the marketing of MSME production and increase online sales of MSME production. The results obtained from the socialization are increasing MSME actors' knowledge regarding online marketing or digital marketing. In addition, every MSME actor who participates in the socialization can also create a brand for their product and is also able to identify consumer or market needs, select consumer or market targets, identify competitors, means to compete, use electronic media for marketing.</span></em>

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