
This research contrasts the reactions of postgraduate English Literature students from the Lebanese University to a pair of sonnets. It particularly examines Shakespeare's "Sonnet 18" alongside a sonnet crafted by ChatGPT, both echoing the theme of timeless beauty. This research uses quantitative methods to assess participants' appreciation of these two sonnets, the felt emotional depth, and the perceived language complexity. Additionally, the study explores students' viewpoints on AI-generated poetry and identifies any perceived limitations in the AI sonnet compared to the human-authored one. The findings revealed that students favored Shakespeare's “Sonnet 18” over the AI-generated version due to its complex language and greater emotional resonance. Seeking to offer meaningful insights, this study delves into how the academic literary community perceives and interprets AI-generated literature. It further adds to the current discussion and debate about the role of AI in augmenting creative writing and underscores areas of potential improvement in upcoming AI literary projects.

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