
Introduction. Currently, in most states, criminal process undergoes a transformation under the influence of digital technology. However, compared to other types of legal proceedings, criminal process is more conservative and less inclined towards the modernization of information. Despite this, problems of digitalization of criminal proceedings are being actively investigated by scientists. In some states, practical use of digital technologies in criminal proceedings has already been attempted, which requires study. Theoretical Basis. Methods. The theoretical basis of the study was Russian and foreign scientific works in the field of criminal procedure law, devoted to the problems of introducing informational technologies into criminal proceedings. Comparative legal analysis revealed the general directions in the digital transformation of the criminal process in modern states. Based on the formal legal method and general scientific methods, the features of the consideration of criminal cases by the courts in the context of the active introduction of new technologies are investigated. Results. The article reveals promising directions for introducing digital technologies into the Russian criminal process. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of courts for the examination of criminal case materials is assessed. Discussion and Conclusion. The digitalization of criminal proceedings ensures their optimization and can transform the mechanisms of protecting and ensuring the rights of participants in the process. Modern technologies can be used during certain stages of criminal proceedings and in the making of procedural decisions both in judicial and in pre-trial stages. However, further scientific research of the issues under consideration, as well as preparation of conceptual suggestions to the legislator with the purpose of changing the norms of the current criminal procedure law are necessary.

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