
The purpose of this data-driven research is to analyse the changing dynamics of contemporary terrorism and the role of technology platforms in global networking. Information Technology and Mobile communication have been the predominant innovations in this century which tremendously redefined human life. Cost effective high-speed Internet services enabled people to connect globally through various platforms, even from mobile devices. However, these technologies are equally being exploited by individuals and organizations for radicalization, driven by religious conflict. Technology breakthrough and social media dominance have been described in the first section to get a common base of how social media made a positive and negative impact. Evolution of new age terrorism and a brief historical background of religious conflict have also been studied to link modern day terrorism. The propaganda used by terrorist groups was studied and technology integration has been described in the following sections. Methods and tactics of using technology have been analyzed from various authentic sources. Authors carried out a data-driven approach model to understand the dark side of technological platforms which is breaking the national boundary for gaining global momentum. Few possible solutions have been recommended based on the research outcome.

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