
Agriculture 4.0 is an opportunity for farmers to meet the current challenges in food production. It has become necessary to adopt a set of agricultural practices based on advanced technologies. Agriculture 4.0 enables farms to create added value by combining innovative technologies, such as precision agriculture, information and communication technology, robotics, and Big Data. As an enterprise, a connected farm is highly sensitive to strategic changes in organizational structures, objectives, modified variety, new business objects, processes, etc. To control the farm’s information system strategically, we proposed a metamodel based on the ISO/IS 19440 standard, where we added some new constructs relating to advanced digital technologies for smart and connected agriculture. We applied the proposed metamodel to the crop classification prediction process. This involved using machine learning methods such as recurrent neural networks to predict the type of crop being grown in a given agricultural area. Our research bridges farming with modern technology through our metamodel for a connected farm, promoting sustainability and efficiency. Furthermore, our crop classification study demonstrates the power of advanced machine learning, guided by our metamodel, in accurately predicting crop conditions, emphasizing its potential for crop management and food security. In essence, our work advances the transformative role of digital agriculture in modern farming.

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