
Digital health is the convergence of digital technologies with health, healthcare, living, and society. Contrasting with the slow trend during the last decades, in the last few years, we have observed an expansion and widespread adoption and implementation. In this paper, we revisit the potential that digital health presents for the delivery of higher quality, safer and more equitable care. Focussing on three examples – patient access to health records, big data analytics, and virtual care – we discuss the emerging opportunities and challenges of digital health, and how they can change primary care. We also reflect on the implications for research to evaluate digital interventions: the need to evaluate clear outcomes in light of the six dimensions of quality of care (patient-centredness, efficiency, effectiveness, safety, timeliness, and equity); to define clear populations to understand what works and for which patients; and to involve different stakeholders in the formulation and evaluation of the research questions. Finally, we share five wishes for the future of digital care in General Practice: the involvement of primary healthcare professionals and patients in the design and maintenance of digital solutions; improving infrastructure, support, and training; development of clear regulations and best practice standards; ensuring patient safety and privacy; and working towards more equitable digital solutions, that leave no one behind.

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