
The article deals with the problem of countering the terrorist ideology spread in the Russian Federation using digital technologies that have now reached the quality of artificial intelligence technologies. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals on countering and punishability of terrorist ideology in the Russian Federation, identifying essential features of its characteristics, analyzing interaction with extremist activity and the impact on these processes of development of information and digital technologies, and introducing amendments to the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation aimed at countering this ideology. Materials and methods. The research is based on the dialectical method of cognition. The research methods are: critical analysis, content analysis, systematic, formal-legal, comparative-legal, historical-legal. The results of the study. The content and features of the spread of terrorist ideology in the Russian Federation, from the moment of a special military operation, are considered. The author analyzes the process of development of terrorist ideology interacting with extremist activity through the use of digital technologies, which is carried out on the basis of the help of special services and organizations of a number of foreign states, and at the same time Russian public (legal and prohibited) associations and individuals controlled by them are used. Terrorist and extremist ideologies presented in external sources create a symbiosis of interaction, which allows them to form appropriate motivation of various kinds. Conclusions. The author substantiates that the ideology of terrorism as a historically changeable, illegal system of views, opinions aimed at eliminating opponents by physical destruction, accompanied by intimidation, mental violence, etc., will spread through artificial intelligence technologies. The author identifies two main stages of the involvement of individuals in terrorist associations, and the subsequent version of their organizational genesis. The article suggests measures to improve the Russian criminal legislation aimed at countering the ideology of terrorism.

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