
The purpose of the research is to determine the essence and role of digital sources in the system of information support for historianʼs research practices. Methods: analysis and synthesis; system approach; comparative; genetic; logical-linguistic. Main results, concise conclusions. In the scientific, legal and regulatory literature there is the term "electronic document", the definition of which is tied to computer origin. The article discusses the legitimacy of the use of such a term in the research practices of historians. It is shown that the term "digital source" is adequate, taking into account the definition of the concept "historical source", which is based on the method of encoding information, and not on the means of its storage. The article discusses the positive and negative properties of digital sources; levels of information in them that are important to historians; attributes of digital documents. Analyzed approaches to the definition of "historical source". The author proposed an information model of the historianʼs cognitive activity as a communication process. During the study, the concepts of "digital document" and "electronic document", "digital resource" and "electronic resource", "electronic archive" and "digital archive", "electronic library" and "digital library" are compared. The author substantiated that the correct names of computerized information systems of a humanitarian profile are not the concepts of "electronic archive" and "electronic library", but the concepts of "archive of digital documents" and "library of digital resources". Practical value. Refining the terminology will ensure proper understanding and its correct application in the research practices of historians and other humanities scholars. Originality. The study was carried out on the basis of a systematic critical analysis of literature and ideas, their further synthesis and the selection of the most appropriate theoretical concepts from the standpoint of logic. Scientific novelty. The article proposes a modern information model of historianʼs cognitive activity as a communication process. The author indicated the place of digital sources in the historianʼs intelligence communications. Type of article. Theoretical analytical.


  • the definition of which is tied to computer origin

  • The article discusses the legitimacy of the use of such a term

  • It is shown that the term

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Інформація цифрового документа може бути репрезентована текстом, числовими даними, графікою, відео та/або аудіо, сформованими на основі двійкового коду. В одному з підручників з історії України подано таке тлумачення: «Історичне джерело – обєкт, який існує на час дослідження і містить інформацію про факти минулого, що мають пізнавальноісторичне значення. М. Богдашиної про історичні джерела як результати людської діяльності, що містять у собі (як правило, безпосередню) історичну інформацію, тобто такі, що постають як носії інформації про історичні події та явища; воднораз самі є памятки матеріальної та духовної культури, в якій вони були створені

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